Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Love thy carb

Yes, carbs are fantastic for you and for your brain.
Your brain feeds of carbohydrates and they are an important part of your diet.
The key is to not eliminate carbs (Atkin's style) but to be smart when choosing which carbs you want to eat during a meal. There are a lot of easy, smart substitutes for the many common "bad" carbs that many usually eat. Let's stick to the "good" carbs.

"How do I switch from 'bad' carbs to 'good' carbs?" you ask
  • Choose brown rice instead of white rice. It has plenty more fiber and is rich in vitamins.
  • Opt for whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals. These fight heart disease, which is reason enough for me. Gotta save your ticker, it's the only one you have.
  • Choose to eat whole pieces of fruit as opposed to fruit juice. There is so much more fiber!! (about 6x the amount in an orange compared to a 4oz glass of OJ)
  • ***PREPLAN YOUR SNACKS (See Smart Snacks)... if you have high-protein, high-fiber snacks already planned out you are less likely to run to a carb. Your blood sugar will be level and you will not, all of the sudden, become starving.


  1. Hi there! I found your blog through Barbara Martin. We are doing a biggest loser competition at my office here at work and I was just telling a coworker how I just can't give up carbs..and then I saw this post! Love it! You've got some great advice! I will definitely be checking back often!
    <3 Raquel

  2. YES! I am so glad that you are using this as a part of your biggest loser competition. The salon that I work at is having their own little competition as well!! Keep checking back and If there is anything that you would like to see posted on my blog feel free to email me @ LundenSouza@gmail.com and I will do my best to find you the answers :)
