Monday, December 28, 2009

Morning Workouts

Now, obviously the morning is not the best time for everyone to work out. Some may switch between a.m. and p.m. workouts depending on their schedule for the day (which is what I do)! Some mornings it is just really difficult for me to wake up and get going. Sometimes I would much rather hit the gym after work instead of sitting in traffic.

I did some research... and actually morning workouts have A LOT of benefits as opposed to workouts at other times in the day.
now, DUHHH...just because you cannot fit time in the morning to workout does not mean that you should give it up all together.. but I figured these benefits were worth mentioning.

Morning "workout-ers" are...

1. More likely to stick with it
2. Catch better Zzzzz's
3. Have a lot more energy
4. More likely to eat healthier

I think that if you workout at the same time everyday (whether it be morning or night) it is possible to get those benefits. The more of a schedule I put my life/body on the more likely I am to follow my diet and to actually get all my errands done in a day. Productivity is KEY for 2010.

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